9-1-1 Education Resources

This collection of 911 resources has been produced by both the National 911 Education Coalition and 911 organizations across the country. Please download and share them with your peers to help spread awareness of appropriate uses of 911.


Submit Your Resources

Text to 911

Posters and Flyers

Videos and Public Service Announcements

9-1-1 Education for Children

9-1-1 Education for Adults and Businesses


Additional Resources


Thank you to the following organization for contributing public education resources for use by the entire 911 community: 4029tv.com, Ambulance New Brunswick’s Emergency Medical Dispatchers, Brenda Storti, Castle Rock Police Department, Cell Phone Sally 911, City of Aurora, Co., City of Longmont, Co., City of Plano, Charleston County Consolidated 9-1-1 Center, Chester County Department of Emergency Services, Columbia/Boone County, Educate 911, Effingham City Police Department, INNENA/State of Indiana, Marshall Publishing, Mesilla Valley Regional Dispatch Authority, Mid America Regional Council, Kansas, New Hanover County Television, North Carolina, Northwest Central Dispatch System, Pinellas County, State of Vermont, St. Tammany Parish, and Vermont’s Enhanced 9-1-1 Board.

The resources posted on the Web site of the National 911 Education Coalition were not created by the Coalition and are not property of the Coalition.  They are being shared in the interest of information exchange. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these publication and on these Web sites are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Coalition. The National 911 Education Coalition assumes no liability for their contents or use thereof. If trade names, manufacturers’ names, or specific products are mentioned, it is because they are considered essential to the object of the publication and should not be construed as an endorsement. The National 911 Education Coalition does not endorse products, services or organizations.